Frequently Asked Questions

We try as much as we can to help the parents who are new to the situation. Here are some answers for frequently asked questions. If you still don’t find an answer please feel free to contact us at - 022 - 2306 1886

FAQs in Hindi

Yes, with the right technological help at the right time the child can hear again and live his life to its fullest by attaining education and later a job.

There maybe a number of reasons to why your child is deaf. Sometimes there is no clear issue. Possible causes of deafness include inherited genes, complications during pregnancy, premature birth or infection.

Your doctor can give you more information about tests to find out the main cause as well as the steps that need to be taken forward.

We understand the pain, anger and worry you are going through but soon you will reaslise that you’ve take the right decision for your child at the right time.

During the initial years of your childs' development; they may take some time to adjust to the situation but they will play, make friends and learn as any other child would. In their teen years they can study, travel and have a fulfilling career.

After the use of hearing aids and cochlear implants, most children will use their hearing to listen and use a spoken language.

Visit your ENT specialist as soon as possible. The doctor will be able to tell the cause of deafness. They will also recommend a hearing aid or an implant based on the level and type of deafness your child has.

The most important thing you need to know that we are here for you. We provide a wide variety of services and guide you through the process. We prepare your child for mainstream schools with the help of professional therapists, family counselor and teachers. If you want to know more about the curriculum and process then do visit our school with your child.